Tree Fort

After we went under contract on our house/land last fall, Jershon and I flew out a few days later so we could see it in person.  As we were walking around the land, we saw this cedar tree and I told Jershon that it would be the perfect place for the kids to make a tree fort.  

Over the past 8 months, we’ve been slowly transforming it into just that.  

We took these few photos in November when we were visiting before moving…


In February, Jershon and the kids built a couple of platforms, a ladder, and a couple of swings.  


A couple months later, they added a climbing rope.


When Jershon’s parents were here for a few weeks in June, his dad took on the project of clearing out the underbrush and it opened up the space so much! 


We also pulled out most of the bricks that we found buried… most likely left over from when the house was built 49 years ago and Tat made them into a little brick fireplace/oven for the kids to pretend play.


Jershon’s dad also dug up some terracotta clay pipes that he found near the bricks and he used those to make an entrance to the tree fort. 


And then he built the kids (the girls mostly) some furniture for the tree fort… a little picnic table, a bench, and a mud kitchen.


This fort is like a kids dream come true… at least it would have been my dream come true as a kid.  haha.  My kids play in here a lot.  I’m glad they have this space to spend time in nature and have fun using their imaginations.

March vs July… in July you can’t even see the cedar tree very well because there are so many leaves covering it from the surrounding trees.

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