Enter My Presence and Find Rest

I wrote another poem the other day.  It was largely inspired by a Well-Educated Heart post from my friend Marlene.

“I have had something on my mind the last several weeks. Let me connect a few of the dots that have been connecting for me.

As I have studied the writings of the heart educators, they often refer to the ‘habit of attention’. . John Muir Laws teaches that love is really sustained attention. He writes: “A world of infinite beauty and discovery waits just beyond the point where we usually stop paying attention….Train your mind, and the world will offer you its secrets of wonder and beauty.”

I had these thoughts in mind when I randomly opened an old hundred year old book on the life of Daniel, the prophet, and these words lit up:

“The main purpose of [Hebrew] education was to form habits of attention, and that when these had once been secured, the pupil would be capable of mastering any subject that Divine Providence should put before him.”

I reflected how our study of the Arts is really all about developing habits of attention. When you are taught to follow a melody or listen for the harmonies, or truly look at a piece of art or learn to draw, or lose yourself in a story, or memorize a beautiful poetic work, in that moment, you enter into a place of beauty and peace and rest.

Drawing what we see helps us to see. Nature journaling is all about this habit of attention. As is notebooking.

It is interesting to me that the arts are the very activities that are often used to help children diagnosed with ADHD.

As we develop these habits in our children, another way of looking at it is that we are giving sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, and are bringing that which is dead back into life. We are making the lame to walk.

is there any more work that is more closely aligned with Jesus who taught us to do that which we saw Him do?

Which connects to the next dot. I was thinking of the story I shared from Margaret Eggleston of the group of rowdy young women on a cruise who were changed as they listened to beautiful classical music and paid attention to the beauties surrounding them. One girl observed she couldn’t do wrong things in that environment.

In that moment of paying attention, she was quiet and still. And the scripture came to mind, “Be still, and know that I am God.”

As we develop these ‘habits of attention’ in ourselves and our children, we are giving them a place where the noise is quieted and, even though they may not recognize it as such, what they are feeling is the presence of God.

The Arts are truly the keys that open the door and let Him in. They quiet the noise. They bring an atmosphere of beauty into our lives. And then He becomes the teacher. Which leads me back around to the phrase Charlotte Mason shared: True education is between a child’s soul and God.

It is God’s Pattern for Learning.”


And here are my thoughts about Marlene’s post and my poem:

“When I read Marlene Peterson’s post yesterday about attention, it brought to mind some things that I have been thinking about recently as well. Life can be heavy sometimes. I’m going through one of those seasons right now. But the arts have been like lighthouses to me when I feel the darkness closing in. A couple of things really stood out to me in Marlene’s post: “love is really sustained attention.” And “I reflected how our study of the Arts is really all about developing habits of attention. When you are taught to follow a melody or listen for the harmonies, or truly look at a piece of art or learn to draw, or lose yourself in a story, or memorize a beautiful poetic work, in that moment, you enter into a place of beauty and peace and rest.”

When I read that I instantly thought of the scripture verses: “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.” (Matthew 11:28-29)

I realized that Christ’s yoke is love. His love brings rest. And if love is sustained attention then part of taking his yoke upon us is in really looking, focusing, and paying attention, both to people that are right in front of us, and also to the artistic creations of people and God (most often a joint effort). Like Marlene said, that attention brings rest.

Maybe one way that we can share God’s love with others is to show them the lighthouses (the arts), giving them knowledge of and access to the lifelines so that they can too find rest along their journeys through this sometimes heavy life.

As we are transported into that other world, through the habit of attention. We experience much needed rest, but we also receive further instruction and inspiration that we take with us back into this world. We have been given the strength to keep our chin up and continue moving forward.

“If instead of a gem or even a flower, we could cast the gift of a lovely thought into the heart of a friend, that would be giving as angels give.” (George MacDonald)

As all of these thoughts and feelings came together in my head, I started to write a poem…


A beautiful iron gate that I saw in Charleston, South Carolina

Enter My Presence and Find Rest

Life feels heavy,
Your burden sore.
You’re wearing down,
Can’t handle more.

You beg for rest,
Please take My yoke.
I’ll give you breath,
No need to choke.

What is My yoke?
What does it do?
My yoke is love.
It gives rest to you.

How is it done?
How to apply?
Sustained attention.
Focus your eye.

Take a look, then look again,
You enter in communion’s door.
Secret wonders, infinite beauty,
Peace and rest into you I pour.

Stories told in many ways,
Expand your view of being.
Through hardships, joys, and miracles,
My story you are seeing.

Painted words of poetry,
Phrases brought to life.
Perceive the message, just for you,
Your mind no more is filled with strife.

Pictures, forms, and images,
Beautiful works of art.
Attention drawn, the details seen,
Art begins to heal your heart.

The art of music,
The song of the soul.
Take notice of the notes,
You’ll find yourself made whole.

Nature is your nurturer,
Outdoor classroom filled with truth.
Breathe in deep, soak it in,
All around, the fountain of youth.

Transported to another world,
Absorbed, immersed, you are my guest.
The world of art, that’s where I live,
My presence gives you rest.

You’re harvesting the flowers,
Less focus on the weeds.
Gathering a garland of flowers,
Your life’s anthology.

Your heart is overflowing;
Your soul is greatly filled.
Consumption, now creation,
What’s in, comes out, spilled.

My yoke of love you now have on,
You‘re now sent forth to share.
The beauty, wonder, love made flesh,
To show how much I care.

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