Multiply and Replenish the Earth with Goodness

Gardening has been on my mind so much lately because I have been spending a lot of time envisioning, dreaming about, designing, and creating my dream garden over the past several weeks.  I find that a lot of the thoughts and impressions that I have about gardens want to be expressed, so I wrote this poem…


Multiply and Replenish the Earth with Goodness

By small and simple things,
Are great things brought to pass.
From tiny seed to giant tree,
And every blade of grass.

It may seem insignificant,
This tiny, little seed.
But all the difference in the world,
With seeds all life succeeds.

All depends on these little seeds,
They bring life through food and breath.
Shelter, progress, strength and joy.
Without, there wouldn’t even be death.

Seeds produce after their own kind;
Not just one return, but multiplied.
What’s sown is reaped a hundredfold;
Given a chance, their limit is the sky.

God is the gardener;
He plants the seeds.
Your heart is the ground;
Your part is to receive.

Prepare the ground for God’s good word;
Prepare the soil of your heart.
Make it soft, add nutrients,
Soul soil, amended through arts.

The arts provide the space,
Where circles intersect.
It is within this middle place,
That heaven and earth connect.

Here you meet with God,
He gives you many things.
Guidance, comfort, love, and rest,
He makes your soul to sing.

The seeds He plants in your good soil,
Take root and start to grow.
Time and nurture bring flower, then fruit.
Good is reaped where good was sowed.

Good fruit is filled with more good seeds;
Go share them far and wide.
Abundant goodness now to give,
God’s love is multiplied.


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