Gardening: Month Four

“Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers by whom ye believed, even as the Lord gave to every man? I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase.” (1 Corinthians 3:5-7)


4th month of our indoor (soon to be outdoor) garden!  I’ve definitely learned that planting tomatoes in January is a little crazy.  Haha.  I did not expect them to grow this fast and for me to have almost 9 foot tomato plants in my living room.  It’s been a learning experience for sure.  haha.  

This month we started harvesting cherry tomatoes from one of the plants.  We also put the plants outside (and then back in, and then back out, and then back in, over and over again).  We have harvested quite a few cherry tomatoes from the Peacevine cherry tomato plant and started getting some tomatoes growing on both the Amish Paste tomato and Pink Bumblebee cherry tomato plants.  


April 9: tomatoes ripening on the Peacevine Cherry tomato plant


April 10:


April 11:

the bottom photo was taken 2 weeks after the top photo. These tomato plants grow so fast!


April 12:


April 13:


April 19: harvested our first Peacevine Cherry tomato!  We cut it into 6 tiny pieces so we could all taste some. 🙂


April 20: Put the garden out on the deck for the first time.  Ended up bringing it back in a couple days later because I needed to give them more time to harden off.  


April 21: noticed first baby tomato growing on Amish Paste tomato plant.  Also, we had to chop off a good chunk of the top of the plant because it was too tall and falling over in the wind when it was outside.


April 26:

wind and sun damage because they weren’t used to being outside and I was too impatient to do the hardening off process correctly.


April 27: taking the plants in and out everyday for a few hours so they can get used to being outside


May 1: Amish Paste tomatoes growing strong!  I’m so happy to see tomatoes finally growing on another one of the plants


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