Pioneer Unit 2019: Day 4

We went on a little mini vacation up to Logan for Wednesday night. On the way back home yesterday, we stopped at 4 cemeteries to see some of our ancestors’ graves. At 3 of these cemeteries, we found the graves of 4 of the 5 pioneer ancestors that we are representing during our Pioneer Unit this year.

We saw Ann Sewell Hawkins’ grave in Wellsville. We saw Charles Wesley Hubbard’s grave in Willard. And we saw both Charles Alfred Harper and Matilda Allison Casper’s graves in Holladay.

It was so neat to get to see these graves yesterday.

It was so sweet and heartwarming to see Porter genuinely feeling happy and excited to see Charles’ grave. It was obvious to me that Porter felt something when we where there. It was so interesting to witness a connection that he felt to Charles.

After looking at Charles’ grave, we walked a little ways up the hill, over to Matilda’s grave. We were there for a while but Porter turned to me and asked if he could go back to “the Harper bench” that is right next to Charles’ grave. I said yes and he went over there by himself. It was cute to watch him just sitting there on the bench, under the tree, next to Charles. He just sat there quietly for a few minutes.

Then he walked back up the hill with me to see a couple other graves. After that, I told him that it was time to go get in the van and he said “can I go back to the Harper bench again before we leave?” So that’s what he did. He just went back there and sat there quietly for a few minutes again. It was pretty sweet.

Roxanne also seemed to feel extra connected to Matilda. It was raining a bit when we were at the cemeteries and when we got to Matilda’s grave, she immediately went over to the grave and started wiping it off with the little baby wipe she happened to be holding. She wanted to clean the grave.

When we were driving away from the cemetery, Roxanne called out “Bye Matilda!” … and then she responded to herself (from Matilda) in a higher pitched voice, “Bye!”

Me with Ann Sewell Hawkin’s grave in Wellsville, UT. I think this must be a newer headstone because all the ones around it (from the same time period) were really old. I wonder if the original broke and needed to be replaced?

Landon with Charles Wesley Hubbard’s grave in Willard, UT.

Porter with Charles Alfred Harper’s grave in Holladay, UT.
Roxanne with Matilda Allison Casper’s grave in Holladay, UT.

We will have to go see Harriet Matilda Casper’s grave another day since it is in another town that was out of the way. Evelyn was sad about that. So here is a picture with Harriet’s mom, Matilda.


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