Röena Studio Show: Week Seven

Last night we had our Röena Studio Show #7.  This show had bits of Spain, Oceans, and 1700’s Independence.  



The first performance was a mini play by the children.  They wanted to act out a couple of scenes from Don Quixote.  


The second performance was Evelyn telling the story called Freedom Bird.


The third performance was Roxanne playing a solo on the ukulele.  She played a song that she composed called The Fawn.


Our final performance was another story by Evelyn.  This one was made up by her.  She called it Mermaid Story.


We finished off the show by sharing any recent artwork and/or notebooking and then we had Raw Apple Cake for dessert.  This is a recipe from our cooking class and the kids made it earlier that day.


A couple of other things that the kids have done recently…  They re-created some paintings with legos.


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