Roxanne Loves Classical Music

I just wanted to share these little gems from the past few weeks.


January 17, 2020

Roxanne: “I’m playing Moonlight Sonata on my guitar.”



February 12, 2020

Roxanne and I were playing with her dollhouse this morning. I had turned on the piano music box and the kitty doll was “playing” the piano. While the music was still playing, Roxanne brought her character (the sheep doll) up to that room and then, talking for the sheep that she was playing, said: “oh, that beautiful music fills up my heart.” I thought it was adorable. And it also showed me how much all of the Well-Educated Heart principles that we are implementing and practicing are actually working.



February 13, 2020

Listening to classical music while making oatmeal for breakfast. Roxanne walked down the stairs and said “ah! That beautiful music!”


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