God Gives Good Gifts: Part 6

Part of me doesn’t want to share this. I just want to keep it to myself because it’s special to me. But I feel that I should share it because it might touch someone.

Angels are real. I know it. I have known for a while, but this weekend, we had a cool experience and I was given even more evidence.

On Friday night, we went camping in the mountains. After driving a few miles down a dirt road, we started to drive (in our minivan) up a steeper hill.

Well, we couldn’t get up. The road had lost most of its gravel and was mostly dry, dusty, dirt. We couldn’t get any traction and our tires just kept spinning. We tried to back down, to get more momentum, but ended up too close to the side of the road, and pinned super close to a tree on the drivers side of the van. We tried getting out but the tires just kept spinning. I suggested that we say a prayer.

So I said the prayer. I told Heavenly Father that we were stuck and that we needed help to get out. I told Him that I knew that He was aware of us and would send angels to help us. And I asked for protection. Then I ended the prayer.

Our tires spun for a few more seconds and then were able to get enough traction to get out. My mind wanted to think that our van was doing the work and we were just driving like normal, but my spirit could sense that we were being physically pushed out.

Jershon backed down the hill and said he wanted to try again. So we tried going up again, but just spun again as we got up a little ways. Luckily we didn’t get pinned next to the tree this time though. So we backed down and he said he wanted to try one more time and if it didn’t work this time then we would turn around.

Again, we got a little ways up and then our tires would just spin.

So we backed down to a little turn around spot and turned around and found a different campsite.

I said a silent prayer and thanked Heavenly Father for helping us.

A little while after we got to our campsite and had been setting everything up, I noticed something interesting…. dusty handprints on the window next to Landon’s seat (on the passenger side of the van).

I thought it was kind of strange. I held my hand up against them and they They were bigger than my hand prints (and therefore bigger than Jershon’s as well). I asked Landon if he had noticed them on our drive up here (because they were really obvious) and he said no.

I thought that possibly they were from someone at my parents house last week when we were there… but I remembered that it had rained on our drive home from Missouri so if there was any dust on the van, it would have washed off.

I told the kids that I think they were the angel’s handprints from helping to push us out.

I wondered why the handprints were on Landon’s side though since it was the other side of the van that would have needed to be pushed more since that was the side that was wedged up against the tree.

A little while later, I happened to walk past the other side of the van… and I was amazed when I saw handprints on the other window as well. This side had multiple handprints… like either more than one person/angel had put their hands on this window, or they had had to shift around and put more effort on this side. 

I was so touched and amazed.

Of course, I can’t prove that these handprints are from angels. But I believe that they are. I know that angels were there to help us out of that predicament. And I believe that God loves to leave evidence of His hand print (in this case, literally, but usually figuratively) everywhere. He loves to give us good gifts.


(See the next few posts for more gifts that God has given to me recently…)

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